terms and conditions

The information published on this website is provided for the use of its visitors. Although care has been taken to ensure technical and factual accuracy, some errors may occur. No guarantee is given of the accuracy or completeness of information on these pages.

Please be aware that LeadersEdge Inc. may change the information on its website at any time, therefore, LeadersEdge Inc. shall have no liability arising from the use by any website visitor of the information on this website.

LeadersEdge Inc. does not warrant the information on this website in any way and, in particular, no warranty is given that the website or its contents or hypertext links are virus free or uncontaminated. You are advised to carry out your own virus checks and to implement your own precautions in this respect. You understand and agree that LeadersEdge Inc. is excluded from all liability for contamination or damage caused by any virus or electronic transmission.

Privacy & Security Policy

Commitment to Data Security
Your personally identifiable information is kept confidential and secure.

Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) can access this information. All emails and newsletters from this site provide the option for you to unsubscribe at any time.

LeadersEdge Inc. does not sell trade, rent, exchange or otherwise share your personal information with any other person, company or organization.

Return/Refund Policy

You understand that products and services may be delivered digitally or in-person. Each product or service have different return policies and you agree to abide by them as published here.

The Grounded LeaderTM Expanding Your Limits Workshop
Refund Policy: If cancellation occurs within 10 days before the workshop, the program purchase will be refunded in full. After that, only 50% of the fee will be refunded. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so we can open the space for someone else to join us.

If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, Privacy or Refund Policies, please reach out to us at 416-560-1806.

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