Are You Striving to Create a High Performing Organization?

What does it mean to perform at the highest level? As an individual, determining your optimal level of performance takes time and careful introspection. Achieving and maintaining that level of performance takes a lot of focus and quite a bit of hard work. That being said, ensuring high performance as an individual is pretty simple when compared with what it takes to elevate an entire organization's performance.

Are you wondering what separates high performing organizations from those that are average to mediocre? You have come to the right place for some guidance, so tune in.

We have covered a number of important concepts in this blog, many of which are essential to building organizations that consistently perform at a high level. Today, we would like to reiterate a couple of these concepts and show you how you can integrate them into your organization's DNA to achieve your desired performance.

Of course, no concept or idea will improve your organization unless you believe it in, are passionate about, have patience, and are willing to implement it with strong leadership, clear two-way communication, and a positive attitude.

Let's get started!

High Performance Organizations Don't Exist Without Engaged Employees

Does your workforce display any of the following traits?

  • Lack of consistency in achieving results.
  • Uneasiness at sharing relevant thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
  • General apathy and half-heartedness.
  • Limited grasp of what is expected of them and how to achieve goals and targets.
  • Lack of engagement, commitment, and loyalty.

If these traits describe your workforce, it is no surprise that you might be struggling with employee engagement and are experiencing challenges meeting your objectives. The good news is that you have the opportunity to turn this situation into a recipe for a winning and successful workforce and organization. This is where leadership becomes crucial. Your ability to inspire your people will set the tone for a successful outcome. It’s your choice.

Do you want to engage your people? Follow these three simple steps:

#1. Get to know your people as people – not as employees.

#2. Prove you understand that communication flows in two directions – not just from leader to employee.

#3. Demonstrate and articulate how the efforts of your people translate into real, tangible results.

Of course, engaging your people will require more effort and focus than simply following three tips from our blog. It requires you to step up and lead by example, be the type of leader you want the others in the organization to emulate. Show genuine care and support for your people, and it will come back to you tenfold if you’re authentic and invested in their success and best interests.

Improving the Flow of Two-Way Communication

Performing at the highest level as an organization requires high levels of employee engagement, but employee engagement does not happen unless your organization values strong two-way communication. This starts with your ability to foster a culture of open communication where people are unafraid to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  

We all have a strong desire to be heard, as we feel valued when we know others are actively listening. When the workplace becomes a setting that rewards this type of expression, employees become more and more excited about showing up each day to help the organization grow and succeed. Who sets the tone for open and two-way communication within your organization? That person is you.

If you are afraid that you will never be able to foster an environment that values strong communication, you might be surprised by what your leadership can do. Your employees crave the ability to express themselves and be part of a larger conversation. Indulge this craving by showing that you are a leader who listens and values each and every team member. You will be amazed by how quickly you can turn things around and start to see evidence of high performance in your team and throughout the organization.

Role Model High Performance

It is possible to build a high performing organization by simply improving employee engagement and communication. But what does the end result look like? That's largely up to you. As a leader, it's your job to provide the vision for your company, but you also have to inject your organization with the passion that will fuel its performance for years to come.

  • Show your people that you are willing to relate to them on a personal and vulnerable human level.
  • Demonstrate what performing at a high level looks like and what it means for you and the team.
  • Set the tone by modelling the right behaviors you want others to follow.

Above all, start important conversations within your organization and have the courage to ask tough questions and be prepared to offer open and honest answers. Organizations that perform at the highest level are not successful through luck or happenstance; they are successful because leaders like you took the time to invest in people and to show them what success truly looks like.

What are some approaches that have worked for you? We would love to hear about your own personal experience in creating high performing teams. Feel free to contact me at 1-855-871-3374 or send me an email at I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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